• I’m Here, A Robot Love Story

    Updated: 2011-05-30 17:03:45
    For all cinephiles out there, you are in for a treat. There is a new short film by Spike Jonze. It is a robot love story called “I’m here”. You can see the trailer below and you can go directly to the film website in order to have  full cinematic experience and see the entire movie for [...]

  • Czech Juggling Robot

    Updated: 2011-05-29 02:07:47
    Back in early January, the Department of Control Engineering at the Czech Technical Institute in Prague showed a robot designed for juggling balls at AMPER 2011. One YouTube video shows a frontal view of the robot juggling, and a second video shows the same process from beneath, with five balls in motion. (via Hack a Day)

  • The Ultimate "Service" Robot

    Updated: 2011-05-28 02:18:20
    Everyone agrees that the most promising future for robotics is in the service sector. So far, practical applications have been limited primarily to fairly mundane domestic tasks like robot vacuum cleaners. What will turn out to be the "killer application" for household robotics? How about a humanoid robot toilet like...

  • Get A Free Robotic Pool Cleaner

    Updated: 2011-05-27 17:06:57
    RobotShop announces the Smartpool Robot Pool Cleaner Promotion. With the summer starting in the northern hemisphere, those lucky enough to have a pool could be even luckier and win their own Smartpool Robotic Pool Cleaner. Simply order a Smartpool Robotic Pool Cleaner before August 31st, and you will be then automatically entered into this promotion. On the first week of September, we will randomly select a lucky customer [...]

  • DARPA UAVforge Crowdsourcing Challenge

    Updated: 2011-05-26 17:06:55
    All the news that's fit to assimilate Home Blogs Events Robots Humans Projects Podcasts About Account DARPA UAVforge Crowdsourcing Challenge Posted 26 May 2011 at 16:06 UTC by John_RobotsPodcast The Defense Advanced Research Projet Agency DARPA has announced a new challenge , called UAVforge which aims to improve the capabilities of small UAVs through crowdsourcing . The goal is to build and test a user-intuitive , backpack-portable UAV that can quietly fly in and out of critical environments to conduct sustained surveillance for up to three . hours There is a prize involved . DARPA and Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic SSC Atlantic call on innovators of every kind scientists , engineers , citizen scientists and dreamers to collaborate on the UAVForge Challenge and win

  • DLR Engineer Hits Robot Like a Girl, Robot Takes it Like a Man

    Updated: 2011-05-25 21:32:35
    As we reported in the past, DLR is the proud creator of Justin a very advanced humanoid robot. Lately they have been working in a very robust robotic arm and hand system. The videos below show how they punish their robots with hammers and baseball bats in order to demonstrate how well they endure the impact while retaining accuracy and calibration. Also notice how the hand [...]

  • Invest 10 Minutes to Improve Robotics for (Your) Future

    Updated: 2011-05-25 12:05:41
    Got 10 minutes free to invest in improving the future of robotics? Angelica Lim, a.k.a. "thepetitegeek" is doing some interesting graduate level research work at Kyoto University on robots expressing emotions and other behaviors normally associated with human beings. She is also an active NAO Developer Program participant and has...

  • Robots Podcast #78: Blended Reality

    Updated: 2011-05-24 17:10:54
    The May 20th episode of Robots Podcast featured an interview with with Natalie Freed, David Robert, and Adam Setapen, from Cynthia Breazeal’s Personal Robots Group at the MIT Media Lab, in which they tell about Playtime Computing, a blended reality system in which a computer generated virtual environment acts as a layer over and extension of a physical play space for children.Read On or Tune In

  • Get a Grip on Robotics with the Robotiq Adaptive Gripper

    Updated: 2011-05-24 16:12:10
    RobotShop is proud to announce the immediate availability of the Robotiq Adaptive Gripper in our catalogue. We have seen this impressive griper in action in the past and really like its flexibility and adaptability. The finger design allows the gripper handle very complex objects in a firm and reliable way. It would not be surprising to see these grippers attached to various industrial and [...]

  • Ecovacs Deepoo D76 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Navigation (Video)

    Updated: 2011-05-22 11:33:28
    The Spanish robot website, Robots al Detalle, evaluates the navigation system of the Ecovacs Deepoo D76 robot vacuum cleaner. Although the captions are in Spanish, it's pretty easy to understand the meaning from the video footage. And, yes, we were just waiting for the robot to pull the lamp off...

  • Why Get a Single Nao When You Can Get Two?

    Updated: 2011-05-20 20:18:29
    This is an incredible promotion from RobotShop and Aldebaran. If you purchase a Nao H25 by June 15th 2011, you can get a second one at half price. This represents savings of almost 8000$. As you may already know, Nao is an awesome humanoid robot that can be used as a very versatile development platform for serious [...]

  • Don’t Know What to Bring to the Baby Shower? Best New Toys for Boys!

    Updated: 2011-05-20 12:44:53
    When it comes to baby toys, gender shouldn’t be a big concern. Most babies are simply too young for the issues of blue vs. pink or dolls vs. cars to matter much. Instead of looking for a boy specific toy, you should be concentrating on finding something the child can interact with and enjoy—preferably something [...]

  • Lingodroids Invent Their Own Language

    Updated: 2011-05-19 16:54:22
    Australian researchers are teaching a pair of robots to communicate linguistically like humans by inventing new spoken words, a lexicon that the roboticists can teach to other robots to generate an entirely new language. The robots generate these words from a set of syllables, combining syllables in pairs, and then cooperatively refine their meaning through various games.

  • Ponoko announces Personal Factory™ 5 Making Platform

    Updated: 2011-05-19 14:54:47
    via blog.ponoko.com David ten Have, the CEO and founder of Ponoko, just announced Personal Factory 5 including Personal Factory App Gateway that enables use of the new AutoDesk 123D free 3D design software for makers. According to the official Ponoko blog: "From day one, we envisioned Ponoko creating a platform...

  • AutoDesk President Carl Bass on the new 123D 3D Design Product (Video)

    Updated: 2011-05-19 14:35:18
    via www.youtube.com Chris Anderson from Wired interviews AutoDesk President Carl Bass about the new free 123D 3D design product aimed at the "maker" community.

  • PARO Robot Seal - Chicago Museum of Science & Industry (Video)

    Updated: 2011-05-19 13:20:04
    via www.youtube.com PARO, the therapeutic robot seal that has been used effectively in centers for the elderly, hospitals, and care facilities, will be demonstrated this Sunday, May 22, 2011, at the Chicago Museum of Science & Industry. The robots creator, Dr. Takanori Shibata will give a presentation covering the robots...

  • Get a Neato XV-11 Vacuum Robot For Free

    Updated: 2011-05-18 18:22:22
    RobotShop announces today the Neato Robotics XV-11 Summer Promotion. This is a great opportunity for anyone wanting to get a vacuum cleaning robot for free and it is very simple to participate. Simply order a Neato XV-11 between today (May 18) and August 31st. You will be then automatically entered into this promotion. On the first week of [...]

  • Angry Robot

    Updated: 2011-05-18 16:18:22
    This robot has so much character and expression that we almost considered buying it at the Design Festa show so we could hang it on the wall at home. But that would mean having to get rid of at least one of the robots we already have there...

  • Android + Arduino + ROS = Cloud Robotics

    Updated: 2011-05-17 15:15:56
    Another important announcement for the field of robotics was made at Google IO 2011 that complements the announcement for the Android Open Accessory Kit. As shown in the video below about Cloud Robotics (this presentation is very interesting and explores somewhat involved robot programming), there is a new implementation of ROS, the popular operating system for robots, that runs [...]

  • Floating avatar, aerial telepresence robot

    Updated: 2011-05-15 20:38:17
    , All the news that's fit to assimilate Home Blogs Events Robots Humans Projects Podcasts About Account Floating avatar , aerial telepresence robot Posted 15 May 2011 at 19:38 UTC by IKE_RobotsPodcast Tobita Hiroaki and his colleagues at Sony Computer Science laboratory have an interesting approach in telepresence robotics , a small blimp that projects an avatar video image on its envelope . NewScientist source of the video above reports that apart from the obvious fun factor of talking to what appears to be a giant floating head , this kind of telepresence robot could avoid the limitations of wheeled robots . However it is difficult for indoor blimps to dominate this market , their movement isn't very accurate and they could be a bit ungainly . However they are very lifelike and people

  • NAO becomes open source

    Updated: 2011-05-13 19:08:09
    All the news that's fit to assimilate Home Blogs Events Robots Humans Projects Podcasts About Account NAO becomes open source Posted 13 May 2011 at 18:08 UTC by IKE_RobotsPodcast Aldeberan Robotics makers of the popular humanoid robot NAO just announced during the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation that they will release what they claim as a significant part' of the software source code . The release is aimed at the research and educational community where NAO has already a substantial user base . You can read the official press release about the NAO open source software here pdf Aldeberan Robotics is also launching a NAO developer program for those who are interested on a more direct involvement . RobotsPodcast recently featured Luc Degaudenzi the Vice President

  • Cornell Ranger Walks 40.5 Miles Non-Stop

    Updated: 2011-05-13 00:05:28
    All the news that's fit to assimilate Home Blogs Events Robots Humans Projects Podcasts About Account Cornell Ranger Walks 40.5 Miles Non-Stop Posted 12 May 2011 at 23:05 UTC by steve The Cornell Ranger robot has walked 40.5 miles non-stop without a recharge , setting a new world record . This beat Ranger's previous record of 14.3 miles , which itself topped Boston Dynamic's Bigdog record of 12.8 miles without refueling . The robot averaged 1.3 MPH for over 307 laps around Cornell's Barton Hall track . The total time was 30 hours , 49 minutes , and 2 seconds . From the new release : Ranger has six small onboard computers executing about 10,000 lines of computer code . The programs run in a repeating loop every 1 500th of a second . The robot also has dozens of electrical and mechanical

  • Truly Awesome, Jedi Robots Are

    Updated: 2011-05-10 18:23:30
    With light sabres, Yaskawa equipped robots.  Hmmmmmm. For this year’s IEEE International Conference on Robotics, the robotic company equipped two robotic arms with Jedi and Sith light sabres and taught them to fight. OK, maybe not to fight but it makes a nice fight choreography as shown in the video below. This is much better than the first time Yaskawa gave Light sabers [...]

  • Alan Winfield on Ethics for Roboticists

    Updated: 2011-05-08 17:21:53
    Writing in parallel with an article appearing in NewScientist, Alan Winfield provides a summary of the work-in-progress outcome of a workshop on ethics for roboticists, which took place last year. (Alan Winfield was interviewed on Robots Podcast late last year.)

  • European Robotics - Part 2

    Updated: 2011-05-07 19:09:32
    All the news that's fit to assimilate Home Blogs Events Robots Humans Projects Podcasts About Account European Robotics Part 2 Posted 7 May 2011 at 18:09 UTC by IKE_RobotsPodcast In the new episode of robotspodcast we continue with the second and last part of our feature special about The European Robotics Forum We talk to Bernd Liepert , CTO of KUKA AG one of the world's leading suppliers in the field of robot technology . Bernd Liepert is also the president of the European Robotics Technology Platform EUROP as of May 2010. EUROP is an industry-driven framework that aims at strengthening Europe's competitiveness in robotic R D , as well as global markets , and to improve quality of life . Our second guest is Rich Walker , the managing director of Shadow Robot a UK based company that

  • Improved Warranty Extended to All Robot Vacuum Cleaners

    Updated: 2011-05-06 20:43:19
    Years ago, RobotShop started offering our Limited Lifetime Warranty on the Roomba, and as of late 2010, on the Neato XV-11 also. Considering the run-time and amount of work the average robotic vacuum cleaner goes through, it made buying with RobotShop a smart decision. Now RobotShop is extending the Limited Lifetime Warranty to all domestic robotic [...]

  • RoboThespian to Greet Visitors to Kennedy Space Center

    Updated: 2011-05-05 17:26:39
    All the news that's fit to assimilate Home Blogs Events Robots Humans Projects Podcasts About Account RoboThespian to Greet Visitors to Kennedy Space Center Posted 5 May 2011 at 16:26 UTC by John_RobotsPodcast The news about NASA acquiring a RoboThespian robot first broke last September What's new is that NASA has committed to its placement at the entrance of the Kennedy Space Center in Orlando , where it will greet 1.5 million visitors per year a demanding task even for a robot . Because it must move silently and endure constant wear , this RoboThespian has been outfitted with the same brushless Maxon motors used in the Mars rover . Created by Penryn , Cornwall , U.K . based Engineered Arts Limited , from the get-go RoboThespian has been designed as a performer Robot of the Day M01 Built

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